Rahul Majumdar
I used to write about the games and entertainment industry at IGN India, and was one of the founding editors at TechQuila. Since then, I've created my own little side project with The Screen Zone, where I write, shoot and edit reviews for all the things that interest me.I also work as a freelance games journalist for GLHF, with some of my work appearing on Sports Illustrated, Men's Journal and more.Additionally, I can now say that I also work on movies instead of just talking about them! Works include [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] (I swear I'll update this space when they're finally released).When not rambling about movies and games on websites, you can usually find me doing the same in bite-sized chunks over on Twitter! I'll see you there 🤞🏼Email: [email protected]
[email protected]